Real solutions – for your fussy eater child
A range of remote and in-home programs available
Experienced dietitian-nutritionist and hypnotherapist
Realistic goals and tailored strategies for your family
Long term results and lifelong benefits for your fussy eater child
What people say
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Our Free E-Book
Turn the Tide on Stressful Family Dinners
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Our Expertise
- Delivering dietetics and nutrition advice
- Counselling for family members
- Providing professional hypnotherapy services
- Identifying sensory hypersensitivities
- Modifying fussy eater’s mealtime behaviour
- Creating appropriate environment, structure, and mealtime routines
- Reducing anxiety and rigidity in extreme fussy eaters
- Improving parent-child feeding relationships
- Identifying underlying medical or behavioural conditions
- Providing services to children with Autism, ADHD, PDA
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Introducing the fussy eater specialist
Marie-France Laval
Fussy Eater Child Specialist
Dietitian-Nutritionist, Hypnotherapist,
Counsellor & Home Economist
BTS de diététique (Clermont-Ferrand Académie)
Conseillère en Economie Sociale & Familiale (Limoges Académie)
Masters of Arts (Humanities)(North London University)
Diploma of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (Australian College of Hypnotherapy)