Chicken Patties with Spinach and Carrots

Chicken Patties with Spinach 27

I don’t recommend hiding veggies, here’s is why. However in this dish I put them through a food processor, and used them to enhance taste and texture! I served this on a bed of couscous and a side of Thaï hot sauce.
Gluten-free: use polenta instead of bread crumbs
BLW: process finely and cook well
Preparation: 10min, Cooking: 10-15min


  • Chicken breast: 400-600g
  • Carrots: 200g
  • Spinach: 150g
  • Shallots: 1
  • Origano: 2 tsp
  • Olive oil: 3tbsp
  • Side of Thai hot sauce or tomato relish
  • Bread crumb: 30g
Couscous: 250g
Cooked as per instructions
Let’s do it:
  1. Cook the spinach in water with some salt: spinach is better off cooked in salted water (the salt limits the leaching of minerals, the cooking in water reduces oxalic acid, which interferes with calcium absorption).
  2. Drain and set aside
  3. In a food processor blitz 1 by 1 to your preferred texture:
  • The carrots and shallots
  • The chicken with origano, salt and pepper.
  • The spinach.
  1. Blend together.
  2. Shape the patties and roll in breadcrumbs.
  3. Cook in a hot pan with olive oil.
  4. Serve with couscous

Bon appétit

#chicken #patties #spinach #carrots #couscous

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