We are proud to recommend the following companies and organisations to help you navigate parenthood.
Baby Sleep Consultant
Leanne Trevor is certified Baby Sleep Consultant, who helps parents empower themselves with the tools they need to settle their baby to sleep. With over 25 years of experience as a Midwife and Registered Nurse she has developed an approach that combines scientific research with a compassionate understanding of your baby’s needs. She works with families and children in Australia and worldwide, from newborn to five years of age, guiding them through the helpful steps to ensure they develop healthy sleep habits.
Turn this challenging time into a rewarding time, as you build the confidence to put your child to sleep and maintain a happy and healthy family life.
Kiddipedia is a World First Parenting Website and Australia’s Leading Parenting Resource.
Kiddipedia Saves Time and Gives Answers Fast.
Our search bar gives Australian Parents a customised keyword search across Australia articles from Australia’s top parenting websites. A little like a mini-google – but specifically for Australian parents. Additionally, we partner with over 40+ subject matter experts and thought leaders who provide unique content that we publish daily.
Our Mission is to build a bigger better Australia, we believe this starts at home by supporting everyday busy parents who are nurturing our next generation.
Kiddie Food Kutters
Safe kids’ knife and peeler
The Kiddies Food Kutter and Safety Food Peeler are two innovative products designed to enable all children to cut and peel fruit and vegetables safely. Perfect for toddlers and kids ages 2 & up, left & right handers and kids with special needs.
Rolling Fun
Rolling Rice Paper Kits
Rice Paper Rolls Kits are bringing ease and fun to the preparation of this authentic Vietnamese staple. No more soggy, sticky rolls: just join your kids and create your own perfect, yummy rolls, or follow our authentic Vietnamese recipes. The company also provides workshops to schools and kinder, click here to find out more
Life, Be in it. FamilyCare
Clann supports communities, by empowering families and carers to receive or provide quality ‘Life. Be in it.’™ FamilyCare for children, elderly and people with disability. A higher standard of informal care. We provide carers and families with information, up-skilling programs and self-employment opportunities putting people before profit, effectively revillaging our society where families care for families again” Contact Clann at www.clann.com.au/contact and Live More Of Your Life